
Abstract Submission

All abstracts will be considered for poster presentation.

Abstract should be prepared as a Microsoft Word document according to the specification:
*Font size: 12 points
*Title of Presentation
* Name of All Authors (presenting Author in CAPITAL)
*Affiliation of all authors
*Text of abstract (no more than 250 words please)

Deadline for abstract submission is March 10, 2008

Deadline for young investigator award is February 25, 2008..

Some abstracts will also be selected for oral presentation. If you would like to be considered for an oral presentation, please check in Abstract Submission Webpage.

Invited speakers also have to submit the abstract at Abstract Submission Webpage.
Please submit your abstract by yourself by the above deadline.

Confirmation of abstract submission will be sent automatically by E-mail.

Post-docs and Students presenting a first author abstract will also be eligible for Young Investigator Award. If you would like to apply, please check “Young Investigator Award” button in Abstract Submission Webpage.
See “Young Investigator Award” for more details.

Submission here