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![]() 研究種目: 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(S) 研究期間: 平成18年~平成22年 研究題目: 環境変異原によるDNA二重鎖切断の発生と発がん過程 研究代表者所属・氏名: 京都大学放射線生物研究センター・小松賢志 研究概要:DNA二重鎖切断は電離放射線照射などによって発生することは知られていたが、従来の数百倍~数千倍の感度増加をもたらした検出法の技術革新により、紫外線やDNA鎖架橋剤などの環境変異原によってもDNA二重鎖切断が誘発されることが報告された。そこで本研究では、各種の環境変異原によるDNA二重鎖切断発生能の検証、それらのDNA二重鎖切断に対する細胞の修復過程とチェックポイント制御機構の解明、により環境変異原の発がん過程(ゲノム不安定化)における役割を明らかにする。 研究組織:(研究分担者以外に共同研究者も含む) 背景・意義 研究成果とトピックス 環境変異原は複数経路によりゲノム不安定化 NBS1は中心体のユビキチン化に必要 関連する研究集会: 京都大学附置研究所・センターシンポジウム「京都からの提言」 ”放射線や紫外線に見るDNAの傷と生物の危機管理“(招待講演:小松)、2008年3月8日、横浜新都市ホール。 Ataxia-Telangiectasia Workshop 2008、”Roles of NBS1 in genome stability after genotoxic and non-genotoxic stresses”, Kenshi Komatsu (オーガナイザー:小松)、2008年4月22~26日、大津プリンスホテル(欧米からの研究者120名とA-T患者家族と支援グループを含む総参加者数280名) 研究業績: 1) Histone H2AX participates the DNA damage-induced ATM activation through interaction with NBS1. Kobayashi J, Tauchi H, Chen B, Bruma S, Tashiro S, Matsuura S, Tanimoto K, Chen DJ, Komatsu K. Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 査読あり, in press, 2009. 2) Genotoxicity of 3,6-dinitrobenzo[e]pyrene, a novel mutagen in ambient air and surface soil, in mammalian cells in vitro and in vivo. Kawanishi, M., Watanabe, T., Hagio, S., Ogo, S., Shimohara, C., Jouchi, R., Takayama, S., Hasei, T., Hirayama, T., Oda, Y. and Yagi, T. Mutagenesis, 査読あり, in press, 2009. 3) Centrosome maintenance and genome instability. Shimada M. Komatsu K. J Radiat Res, 査読あり, in press, 2009. 4) Inactivation of the Nijmegen breakage syndrome gene NBS1 leads to excess centrosome duplication via the ATR/BRCA1 pathway. Shimada M, Sagae R, Kobayashi J, Habu T, Komatsu K.. Cancer Research, 査読あり, 69:1768-75, 2009. 5) Current topics in DNA double-strand break repair. Kobayashi J, Iwabuchi K, Miyagawa K, Sonoda E, Suzuki K, Takata M, Tauchi H. J Radiat Res, 査読あり, 49, 93-103, 2009. 6) Establishment of a method for analyzing translesion DNA synthesis across a single bulky adduct in human cells. Sawai, T., Kawanishi, M., Takamura-Enya, T. and Yagi, T. Genes and Environment, 査読あり, 31, 24-30, 2009. 7) NBS1 prevents chromatid-type aberrations through ATM-dependent interactions with SMC1. Antoccia A, Sakamoto S, Matsuura S, Tauchi H, Komatsu K. Radiat Res. 査読あり, 170:345-352, 2008. 8) Absence of Ku70 gene obliterates X-ray-induced lacZ mutagenesis of small deletions in mouse tissues. Uehara Y, Ikehata H, Komura J, Ito A, Ogata M, Itoh T, Hirayama R, Furusawa Y, Ando K, Paunesku T, Woloschak GE, Komatsu K, Matsuura S, Ikura T, Kamiya K, Ono T. Radiat Res. 査読あり, 170:216-223, 2008. 9) Potential Link between Alternative Splicing of the NBS1 Gene and the DNA Damage/Environmental Stress. Takai K, Sakamoto S, Sakai T, Yasunaga J, Komatsu K, Matsuoka M. Radiat Res. 査読あり, 170:33-40, 2008. 10) NBS1 regulates a novel apoptotic pathway through Bax activation. Iijima K, Muranaka C, Kobayashi J, Sakamoto S, Komatsu K, Matsuura S, Kubota N, Tauchi H. DNA Repair, 査読あり, 7:1705-16, 2008. 11) Impaired removal of DNA interstrand cross-link in Nijmegen breakage syndrome and Fanconi anemia, but not in BRCA-defective group. Tsuchida K., Komatsu K. Cancer Sci. 査読あり, 99:2238-43,2008. 12) 小林純也、小松賢志、DNA切断修復とナイミーヘン症候群、蛋白核酸酵素、54:574-579、2009。 13) 小松賢志、放射線修復遺伝子が放射線の発見以前に存在した理由は、Isotope News, 2008年3月号 14) Polyaromatic hydrocarbons cause histone H2AX phosphorylation in the S-phase of the cell cycle. Shimohara, C., Sawai, T. and Yagi, T. Genes and Environment, 査読あり, 30, 92-99, 2008. 15) Mutagenic specificity of N-acetoxy-3-aminobenzanthrone, a major metabolically activated form of 3-nitrobenzanthrone, in shuttle vector plasmids propagated in human cells. Nishida, H., Kawanishi, M., Takamura-Enya, T., Yagi, T. Mutation Research, 査読あり, 654, 82-87, 2008. 16) Rapid myeloid recovery as a possible mechanism of whole-body radioadaptive response. Ohtsuka, K., Koana, T., Tomita, M., Ogata, H., Tauchi, H. Radiation Research査読あり, 170, 307-315, 2008. 17) Dancing on damaged chromatin: Functions of ATM and the RAD50/MRE11/NBS1 complex in cellular responses to DNA damage. Iijima, K., Ohara, M., Seki, R., Tauchi, H. Journal of Radiation Research査読あり, 49, 451-464, 2008. 18) Combined BubR1 protein down-regulation and RASSF1A hypermethylation in Wilms tumors with diverse cytogenetic changes. Haruta M, Matsumoto Y, Izumi H, Watanabe N, Fukuzawa M, Matsuura S, Kaneko Y.. Mol Carcinog. 査読あり, 47, 660-666 (2008). 19) #Centrosome amplification induced by survivin suppression enhances both chromosome instability and radiosensitivity in glioma cells. Saito T, Hama S, Izumi H, Yamasaki F, Kajiwara Y, Matsuura S, Morishima K, Hidaka T, Shrestha P, Sugiyama K, Kurisu K. Br J Cancer. 査読あり, 98, 345-355 (2008). 20) Homologous recombination repair is regulated by domains at the N- and C-terminus of NBS1 and is dissociated with ATM functions. Sakamoto. S., Iijima. K., Mochizuki. D., Nakamura. K., Teshigawara. K., Kobayashi. J., Matsuura. S., Tauchi. H. Komatsu K. Oncogene. 査読あり, 26:6002-9, 2007. 21) TopBP1 associates with NBS1 and is involved in homologous recombination repair. Morishima. K., Sakamoto. S., Kobayashi. J., Izumi. H., Suda. T., Matsumoto. Y., Tauchi. H., Ide. H., Komatsu K. Matsuura. S. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 査読あり, 362:872-9, 2007. 22) Human NBS1 and MRE11 associate for regulation of checkpoints and for homologous redcombination repair. Komatsu, K., Antoccia, A., Sakamoto, S., Kobayashi, J., Matsuura, S. Tauchi. H. “Radiation Health Risk Sciences” ed by S. Yamashista, International Congress Series 1299, 158-163, ELSEVIER, Amsterdam, 2007. 23) Structural identification of DNA adducts derived from 3-nitrobenzanthrone, a potent carcinogen present in the atmosphere. Takamura-Enya, T., Kawanishi, M., Yagi, T. and Hisamatsu, Y. Chemistry an Asian Journal, 査読あり, 2, 1174 ? 1185, 2007. 24) DNA adduct formation in human hepatoma cells treated with 3-nitrobenzanthrone: analysis by the 32P-postlabeling method. Kanno, T., Kawanishi, M., Takamura-Enya, T., Arlt, V. M., Phillips, D. H., Yagi. T. Mutation Research, 査読あり, 634, 184?191, 2007. 25) Characterization of the plant homolog of Nijmegen breakage syndrome 1: involvement in DNA repair and recombination. Akutsu, N., Iijima, K., Hinata, T., Tauchi, H. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications査読あり, 393, 394-398, 2007. 26) Association of DNA-PK activity and radiation-induced NBS1 foci formation in lymphocytes with clinical malignancy in breast cancer patients. Someya, M., Sakata, K., Matsumoto, Y., Tauchi, H., Narimatsu, H., Hareyama, M.: Oncology Report査読あり, 18, 873-878, 2007. 27) DNA Repair Defect in AT Cells and their Hypersensitivity to Low-Dose-Rate Radiation.H. Nakamura, Y. Yasui, N. Saito, A. Tachibana, K. Komatsu, K. Ishizaki. Radiation research. 査読あり, 165, 277-282 2006. 28) Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome and Functions of the Responsible Protein, NBS1. Antoccia, J. Kobayashi, H. Tauchi, S. Matsuura, K. Komatsu. Genome Dyn. Basel, Karger. 査読あり, 1, 191-205 2006. 29) ATM Activation by a Sulfhydryl-Reactive Inflammatory Cyclopentenone Prostaglandin. M. Kobayashi, H. Ono, K. Mihara, H. Tauchi, K. Komatsu, H. Shimizu, K. Uchida, K. Yamamoto. Genes Cells, 査読あり, 11(7) 779-789 2006. 30) Association of Ionizing Radiation-Induced Foci of NBS1 with Chromosomal Instability and Breast Cancer Susceptibility. M. Someya, K. Sakata, H. Tauchi, Y. Matsumoto, A. Nakamura, K. Komatsu, M. Hareyama. Radiation Research.査読あり, 166, 575-582 2006. 31) Monoallelic BUB1B Mutations and Defective Mitotic-Spindle Checkpoint in Seven Families With Premature Chromatid Separation (PCS) Syndrome. S. Matsuura, Y. Matsumoto, K. Morishima, H. Izumi, H. Matsumoto, E. Ito, K. Tsutsui, J. Kobayashi, H. Tauchi, Y. Kajiwara, S. Hama, K. Kurisu, H. Tahara, M. Oshimura, K. Komatsu, Tatsuro Ikeuchi, Tadashi Kajii. Amer J Med Genet., 査読あり, 140(4):358-67, 2006. 32) Identification of three major DNA adducts formed by the carcinogenic air pollutant 3-nitrobenzanthrone in rat lung at the C8 and N2 position of guanine and at the N6 position of adenine. Arlt, V. M., Schmeiser, H. H., Osborne, M. R., Kawanishi, M., Kanno, T., Yagi, T., Phillips D. H. and Takamura-Enya , T. International Journal of Cancer, 査読あり, 118, 2139-2146, 2006. 33) Activation of Antioxidative Enzymes Induced by Low-Dose-Rate Whole-Body gamma Irradiation: Adaptive Response in Terms of Initial DNA Damage. Otsuka, K., Koana, T., Tauchi, H., Sakai, K.: Radiation Reserch査読あり, 166, 474-478, 2006. 34) Cytoplasmic, but not nuclear, p16 expression may signal poor prognosis in high-grade astrocytomas.. Arifin MT, Hama S, Kajiwara Y, Sugiyama K, Saito T, Matsuura S, Yamasaki F, Arita K, Kurisu K. J Neurooncol査読あり, 77, 273-277 (2006). 主な学会発表: 1) ヒストンH2Bユビキチン化による相同組み換え修復の制御、第68回日本癌学会学術総会、小松賢志、横浜、2009年10月(シンポジウム、招待講演) 2) Role of NBS1 in Genomic Instability, A symposium of Radiation Biology Center at Columbia University, Kenshi Komatsu, New York, October 2008 (invited) 3) Role of the N-terminal region of NBS1 in ATR-mediated DNA damage respons, Workshop in Maintenance of Genome Stability, Akihiro Kato, Mexico March 2008 4) Role of NBS1 in genome stability after genotoxic and non-genotoxic stresses, Ataxia-Telangiectasia Workshop, Kenshi Komatsu, Ohtsu, April,2008 (invited) 5) Multiple roles of NBS1 for genotoxic and non-genotoxic stresses, The First International Symposium on the Establishment of a new Discipline “Medical Care for Hibakusha, Kenshi Komatsu, Nagasaki, January 2008 (invited) 6) Multiple roles of NBS1 in genome stability after genotoxic and non-genotixic stresses, 10th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA、Kenshi Komatsu, Fukushima,June,2008 (invited) 7) 高発がん性遺伝病による染色体恒常性メカニズムの解明 第12回癌の分子細胞生物学懇話会 松浦伸也、横浜 2008年2月(招待講演) 8) NBS1が制御する新規のDNA損傷誘発アポトーシス経路、第67回日本癌学会学術総会、田内広、名古屋、2008年10月(ワークショップ) 9) UV sensitivity of cells from Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome and the underlying mechanisms. 3rd Japan-US DNA Repair Meeting, Kenshi Komatsu, Sendai, May 2007 (invited) 10) 化学物質によるDNA損傷とヒストンH2AXリン酸化,日本放射線影響学会第50回大会,八木孝司.千葉,2007年11月(ワークショップ招待講演) 11) Consequence of Translesion DNA Synthesis across Site-specific 4-Aminobiphenyl Adducts in Human Cells. The 1st Asian Conference on Environmental Mutagens, and the 36th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Environmental Mutagens Society. Sawai T., Kawanishi ,M, Kanno T., Takamura-Enya T. and Yagi, T. Kitakyushu. November, 2007. 12) Dual roles of BubR1-the underlying protein for cancer-prone PCS syndrome-in chromosome segregation. 66th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association. Shinya Matsuura, Yokohama, October 2007 (invited) 13) NBS1 regulates DNA-damage induced apoptosis independent of p53. 20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and molecular Biology and 11th FAOBMB Congress. Hiroshi Tauchi, Kyoto, June 2006. 14) NBS1 foci formation and divergent roles in response to DNA damage-eliciting agents. International Workshop on Ataxia-Telangiectasia (A-T) and ATM. Kenshi Komatsu, Banff, Canada. September 2006 (invited) |